This article comprehensively and in-depth introduced the detailed details of the `==` operation in Go language, covering the behavior of the `==` operation under different data types, the comparison rules of special types, and the impact brought by uncomparable types. It is hoped that through the elaboration of this article, it can help the majority of developers to more accurately and deeply understand and apply the `==` operation in Go language, and avoid various problems caused by insufficient understanding of it in actual programming.
First steps into concurrent programming in Rust using threads and async
Those who have written Python web applications, especially those who have carried out online deployments, must have heard of the WSGI protocol. It defines the data exchange interface between Python's web servers and web applications. This description may be rather abstract, so let's explain it in detail through practical examples below.
Learn to run multiple Rust Futures concurrently using join!, try_join!, and select! macros.
In 2025, the above backend frameworks have stood firm in the market. Whether you choose Express.js for its simplicity, Nest.js for its structure, Adonis.js for its productivity, or Koa.js for its elegance, choosing the right framework is crucial. It always depends on your requirements. It is essential to understand your project requirements and, based on that, select the appropriate framework. Additionally, keeping an eye on the latest trends, new features of existing frameworks, and new frameworks is crucial for the success of your backend development journey in 2025.
Learn how to use and implement asynchronous streams in Rust using the Stream trait.
Negroni is a very valuable library in Go language HTTP service development. For those who pursue efficient, flexible, and easy-to-maintain Web application development, Negroni is undoubtedly an excellent tool worthy of in-depth understanding and widespread application.
Learn how Rust executes async tasks using Futures, Executors, and the Waker mechanism.
This article introduces the lightweight and powerful routing library `gorilla/mux`. It supports a rich variety of request matching methods, and sub-routes greatly facilitate route management. Since it is compatible with the standard library `net/http`, it can be seamlessly integrated into programs using `net/http` and make use of the middleware resources written for `net/http`. In the next article, we will introduce `gorilla/handlers` — some commonly used middleware.
An introduction to Rust's async/await, explaining Futures, executors, and concurrency with practical examples.
The leapcell library (validator) is very rich in functions and relatively simple and convenient to use. The constraint conditions introduced in this article are just the tip of the iceberg of its powerful functions. This library has a wide range of applications in the field of software development, especially web development. It is recommended that developers have an in-depth understanding and mastery of it to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data validation and ensure the security and stability of the system.
Although the operations and types supported by govaluate are limited, it can still implement some interesting functions. For example, you can write a web service that allows users to write their own expressions, set parameters, and let the server calculate the results.
Format JSON in Golang with `json.MarshalIndent` for better readability.
Go encourages direct field access, using getters only when necessary.
Shallow copy is simple, but deep copy is necessary for reference types.
Bitwise operations in Go improve efficiency in arithmetic, masking, and binary data handling.
Efficiently iterate over maps in Go using `for`-`range`, handling unordered iteration and sorting when needed.
Avoid excessive use of global variables in Go to maintain modularity and testability.
UUID primary keys may cause index fragmentation, slow queries, and storage overhead in MySQL.
`flag` is used to parse command-line options. People with experience using Unix-like systems should be familiar with command-line options. For example, the command `ls -al` lists detailed information about all files and directories in the current directory, where `-al` is the command-line option.
The gopsutil library provides convenience for us to obtain local machine information, and it handles the compatibility issues between different systems well, providing a unified interface. There are also several sub-packages, such as `net` and `docker`, which are not introduced here due to space limitations. Users who are interested can explore them on their own.
Learn how jemalloc optimizes memory management
Guide to installing and managing Go versions using ASDF efficiently.
Efficiently build responsible Go web scrapers using Colly, concurrency, and policy compliance.
Go uses factory functions for struct initialization and validation.
Overview of key Go libraries for developing robust and interactive TUIs.
Go excels in scalability and performance, while Rails suits rapid development.
Guide to implementing and using linked lists in Go.
Overview of Go's graphics libraries for drawing, visualization, and GUI development.
Efficient ways to delete elements from a Golang map.
Learn how to handle command line arguments in Golang using `os.Args`, `flag`, and `pflag`.
An essential guide to navigating Rust’s source code
The interfaces provided by the `database/sql` standard library in the Go language are relatively low-level. This requires us to write a large amount of repetitive code. This substantial amount of boilerplate code is not only cumbersome to write but also error-prone. Sometimes, if you modify the field type, you may need to make changes in many places; if you add a new field, you also need to modify the places where the `select *` query statement was previously used. If there are any omissions, it may lead to a panic during runtime. Even if you use an ORM library, these issues cannot be completely resolved! That's where sqlc comes in! sqlc can generate type-safe and idiomatic Go interface code based on the SQL statements we write, and we just need to call these methods.
In today's programming world, both Go and Rust are highly regarded programming languages. Developed by Google, Go is renowned for its simplicity, efficiency, and excellent concurrency performance. It is commonly used for building network services, cloud computing platforms, and more. Rust, promoted by Mozilla, is famous for its memory safety and high performance, and it has a wide range of applications in areas such as system programming and embedded development. This article will conduct a detailed comparison of the code writing in Go and Rust from multiple aspects.
Learn how Rust's smart pointers ensure safe memory allocation, ownership, and concurrency.
The code name of the new TypeScript migration project is Corsa. The old codebase, Strata, was once the initial code name of TypeScript, which began in the internal development stage at the end of 2010 or the beginning of 2011. The initial team consisted of Steve Lucco, Anders Hejlsberg, and Luke. Steve wrote the original prototype compiler, extracting and modifying the scanner and parser from the JavaScript engine of Internet Explorer. It was a C# codebase used for the proof of concept.
A practical approach to Rust error handling: methods, patterns, and custom error strategies.
`fmt.Fprintf` in Go enables efficient, formatted output to diverse destinations.
Anonymous structs in Go simplify temporary data handling but can reduce readability if overused.
An introduction to machine learning in Go with key libraries and examples.
Explores Go queue implementations using slices, linked lists, channels, and libraries.
Go build tags enable conditional file inclusion based on platforms or custom configurations.
Guide to Base64 encoding and decoding in Go.
How to convert strings to integers in Go using `strconv.Atoi`.
Go timers schedule delayed tasks, and proper handling ensures efficient operations.
Guide on importing local packages in Go using Go modules.
A guide to Go's `fmt` package for formatting strings, numbers, and customizing output.
How to use Go's `break` statement in loops and switch statements.